
Chalets du bout du monde

Questions & Answers

Everything you need to know about everyday life in our chalets


Make yourself comfortable.


From the cottage : dial 100 From outside : (418) 368-0042 ext. 0 Call your friends : (418) 368-0042 + your cottage number Ex :Chalet 1 : (418) 368-0042 ext.1 INCENDIE –POLICE – AMBULANCE dial 911


Low season (sept à mai) : A 14h - D 11h High season (juin - juillet - aout) : A 16h - D 10h Late departures will be charged to you! GOOD HOLIDAYS !

Votre Chalet :: Non Fumeur :: Pas d'animaux

6 People maximum at all times at the chalet and on the grounds.

Outdoor fire

Wood ($ 5 / pack behind shed 3) Bring your key (yes, it opens your cottage and shed 3 and the wood shed, but not the neighbor's cottage!) Make very small fires (in light winds). The wood is from another company, be honest. Place the money in the pot for this purpose. NB: The fire ring is not a trash can. Please clean it before leaving.

Garbage cans, recycling and compost

BINS: GREEN bin on the road. RECYCLING: First, the BLUE bin under the sink, then the BLUE bin on the road. COMPOST: Behind the electricity supply sheds 1 & 2. (See map in Cartography)

Environmental concern

The control is done by the Cogeco remote control: 1. Press TV in the round part at the top and then Power. 2. Press cable and power to open the decoder that is on the DVD. (Small green light should open. Point the remote) 3. Select the source on the HDMI selector tacked to the wall. (1: TV 2: DVD 3: Chromecast) Ps: the source of the TV must always remain on HDMI2. To connect your games console, you are authorized to disconnect the only wire that is not nailed to the wall (DVD position 2 of the wall selector). It is absolutely necessary to reconnect it before leaving the chalet to avoid reconnection costs!

Washing and drying

Use detergent (he) only and in small quantities. Avoid bleach to protect the water treatment system. Use the clothesline, if possible.

Environmental concern

Avoid unnecessary washing. Use only the beds you need. Do not remake the beds on the day of departure. Plastic water bottles are prohibited at Chalets du bout du monde. You have the best water in the world, enjoy it!

Carving boards

Cutting boards are at your disposal, in order to preserve our counters.

Fragile environment

Please protect our undergrowth by taking the paths designed for this purpose and the beach.


N.B.: Important to close the bottles after use. Chalets 5 & 8 have a valve on the wall, near the BBQ. They must be closed after use. (closed = horizontal.) Ps: Open the cylinder very slowly to avoid tripping the safety valve. If necessary, close, remove the pipe, replace the pipe and slowly reopen. Let the BBQ cool down before putting the cover back on Don't forget to clean the BBQ before you leave!


There are spare bottles in shed # 3, at the end of the path. Bring the key to your chalet for the locker of the shed. Return the empty bottle to the shed.

Thermostat :: Heating

PS: do not press the thermostat. Simply put your hand in front. Turn to adjust the temperature. Ground floor: Master thermostat Turn the dial to decrease or increase the temperature. It will be equal everywhere in the chalet. Rooms: 1 thermostat per room Turn the dial to reduce or increase the temperature of the chambers, as needed. HEATING The master thermostat can be controlled remotely by us. Default schedule: according to normal working hours. Specific needs: Call us.

SPA (Jacuzzi)

(Maximum 6 people in the spa) It is important to turn off the spa jets as well as the fountain after use, so that it does not drain and stay hot. Everything is controlled at your fingertips. No need to force it. Turn slightly. Thank you Set at 39 ’celsius, 102 degrees Fahrenheit. We do not lower the temperature to avoid filtration problems. A SPA is not a swimming pool for cooling off. It's hot ! Try our rivers in summer! Always rinse your feet before entering the SPA, and take a bath before taking a SPA. Children: For their health, it is recommended no more than 20 minutes at a time. Never leave children unattended. If out of use, keep the SPA closed. Alcohol and drugs (Danger): Hot water amplifies and accelerates the effects. Alcohol makes you drowsy. Falling asleep in water can be very dangerous. Winter: Slippery access (Danger) Warning ! Splashes of water on the edge can make access to the SPA slippery. Close the SPA cover immediately after use.

Play ground

The playground is suitable for small children only, and they should always be under parental supervision!

Equipment at your disposal

Bring your key (yes, it opens your chalet and shed 3 and the wood shed, but not the neighbor's chalet!) Kayaks require high tide. 2 hours before and after the tide, it's good. Use is at your own risk. Wearing a life jacket is needed. Observe the prescribed area. Clean and empty the water from the kayak when storing in the shed. Be sure to read the property policy and sign the waiver before using kayaks and bicycles. N.B.: Use kayaks only when the tide allows it (end of the upright and start of the drop). See the tide table on the internet.

life jacket

We have life jackets in different sizes for adults. You must bring your children's jackets. Wearing a flotation device is mandatory for water activities at all times. Refer to the prescribed area for kayaks in the mapping. First come, first served! Have fun.


Our bikes are for easy daily rides. if you are a biker, bring your own! Bring your key (yes, it opens your chalet, shed 3 and the wood shed, but not the neighbor's chalet!) Before leaving on an excursion, check the condition of the bikes. Choose the appropriate size of bikes for children. First come, first served! Broken bikes: Put aside and notify us. IMPORTANT: Avoid keeping KAYAKS, BIKES and SNOWSHOES near your chalet after use. Take them back to the shed so that other vacationers can enjoy them.


Bring your key (yes, it opens your chalet, shed 3 and the wood shed, but not the neighbor's chalet!) First come, first served! IMPORTANT: Avoid keeping KAYAKS, BIKES and SNOWSHOES near your chalet after use. Take them back to the shed so that other vacationers can enjoy them.


–IMPORTANT– The stove must be closed before going to sleep or leaving the chalet.

1. Press the “ON” button in the left corner, on top. (50 secs.) 2. Normally the stove is quiet. If it is noisy, turn it off and start “OFF-ON” again.
1. Place the switch in the “OFF” position. 2. Check if the pilot is lit (through the interior window, lower left corner, a small blue flame under the log). 3. Usually we turn it on before you arrive.
1. Open the control panel under the front stove. 2. Place the left button in the “PILOT” position. 3. Push in the button. 4. Simultaneously press the “IGNITION” button (small star) several times, until the pilot lights up. 5. Release the button. 6. Return the left button to the operating position.
Go back to Step 1.

List to check before leaving

Wash the dishes, dry them and put them away in the cupboards;
Clean the BBQ and the fire pit;
Do not make the beds;
Dirty towels: On the bathroom floor. Do not wash them;
Remove food from the refrigerator and cabinet;
Place a cloth on the counter, table, stove and microwave;
Empty the exterior ashtray;
Dispose of waste and recycling in their respective bins on the way;
Turn off the propane fireplace (cabins 5-8);
Do a final check for forgotten items (washer, dryer, drawers, under the bed, etc.);
Turn off the lights and the bathroom fan;
Return the kayaks, bikes and snowshoes to shed # 3;
Do not leave returnable bottles;
Leave the key on the table.


Have a nice trip !

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